Image1: (Birthday Speech or Toast for Your Mom from Son or Daughter, n.d.-b)
Finding interest, knowing myself and trying harder
These three phrases are perhaps the most relevant ones I learned during this course.
Different people with different job positions and education related to marketing participated in this seminar and shared their experiences with us. They talked about their path to finding a job, the skills they learned in their field, and the tasks they currently perform as marketers.
My acquaintance with people who had been able to find work in different companies by studying digital marketing gave me a better perspective on finding a job. Because these people explained their duties as digital content manager, senior manager of performance marketing, communication department manager, etc., we learned some of them by doing the homework in the classroom.
The first meeting was the most exciting and inspiring for me. EMMA LAUERMEIER's intimate and practical talks inspired me to be more determined to find my passion and the work I want. Emma's sentence, which said that the first job is not everyone's regular job, gave me the courage to apply for different positions related to my field.
Emma's points were critical and conceptual at the same time. Maybe I was disappointed many times as an international student in these few months, but I continued because my goal was to find a job I loved. Emma's sense and energy were more interesting to me. She had gone through many twists and turned to see her favorite career path, but She was not disappointed.
The most crucial point is self-knowledge and finding interest in this field of work to achieve success. Also, don’t sell yourself short.

Image 2: (Bennett, 2018)
Another important thing I learned was to present my work and make a portfolio. Although I haven't taken any steps to fix it yet, I realized the importance of having a portfolio and introducing myself. Elle Marie's portfolio reminded me that showing work samples and presenting them helps attract the audience, especially the recruiters. In today's world, where photos and videos are more effective than words, I must be able to present myself well to impact my audience significantly.
But what skills do I need to succeed as a digital marketer?

Image 3: (Moses, 2022)
Use data to make decisions
Embrace technology
Be flexible and adaptable
Be able to take on new, additional responsibilities
Continually upgrade and acquire new skills to match trends
Through LinkedIn, I created a network, monitored various job opportunities, and applied for them. Of course, I learned more about the people who attended this class through their LinkedIn profiles and studied their educational and career records.
I connected with people through LinkedIn. But unfortunately, either they were not successful, or the job positions offered to me were not to my liking.
Due to several reasons, I could not participate in various events during this time. It is clear to me that not attending events can help me achieve important things in terms of meeting people and getting job offers at Tonto. Very shortly, I must focus on the subject and attend events for my future career.
As Emma mentioned in the first session, a resume's participation in voluntary activities is considered a positive point. Voluntary job is essential for getting to know different fields, improving skills, and interacting with people. I have not yet managed to participate in activities or volunteer jobs. Spring and summer are good times to participate in events as a volunteer to gain skills, meet more people, and make effective connections.
I check job positions posted on LinkedIn every day. But until now, I haven't searched much on the Indeed site to get a co-op. At the suggestion of my classmates, I decided to make more efforts to find a co-op through this site. On the other hand, many people apply for co-ops on the GBC career website. I have tried this way more than once, with no success so far.
In my opinion, LinkedIn is a more open space for communication with recruiters and managers, and it is possible to make different connections. And at present, when many of my classmates are applying for internship positions through George Brown's site, and a very high number of resumes are sent for the positions available on this site daily, it is better to use other job sites such as Job Bank and Indeed to take action.
Establishing communication, maintaining an effective relationship with people, being in environments that add value to you, and following up-to-date events in the field of marketing are all components that will guide you to reach your goal.
Follow your passions until the time is lost

Pursuing your passion and developing talent in your field of interest will make your path to success shorter and more attractive. You may not travel very smoothly, but it will keep you from wasting time and experiencing things you don't like.
Image 4: (Pinterest,2019)
In the end,
Thanks to Professor Wendy Greenwood and the George Brown College Business I Center allowing me and my classmates to learn the secret of marketers' success and use it as a guiding light to reach our goal.
Hearing the words of people who have travelled winding paths to reach their desired position motivates me to work harder and persevere in the way I take.
What advice do you give me? Share with me
Bennett, N. (2018, November 18). The Secret Of Success - Is It Happiness? Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/nickbennett1/2018/11/18/the-secret-of-success-is-it-happiness/?sh=76a51e06aa99
Birthday Speech or Toast for Your Mom from Son or Daughter. (n.d.). Standing Ovation Speeches. Retrieved from https://standingovationweddingspeeches.typepad.com/standing-ovation-wedding/2021/09/birthday-speech-or-toast-for-your-mom-from-son-or-daughter.html
D. (2022, February 15). 8 Tricks for Web Developers You Can Put Into Practice Immediately. Medium. Retrieved from https://levelup.gitconnected.com/8-tricks-for-web-developers-you-can-put-into-practice-immediately-98079e65fd7d
P. (2019, March 9). MIGUEL ÁNGEL on Instagram: “🚩 Marbella (Spain) 🇪🇸 . . . Member: ✨ @divine.worldplaces ✨ @divine_ladolcevita ✨ @divine_villages . . . #marbella #malaga. . ..” Pinterest. https://www.pinterest.co